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Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/25

Exil Türkei, 1933-1945. Ein Projekt zur kreativen Wissensproduktion und -transfer

Seminar, TMontag 10-12 [KG4 Mediaraum]

Die praxisorientierte Veranstaltung konzentriert sich auf die Biographien von deutsch-jüdischen Wissenschaftler*innen im türkischen Exil und zielt darauf ab, einen kreativen und praxisorientierten Lernprozess zu schaffen. Darüber hinaus soll neue wirksame Bildungsinstrumente zur Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus entwickelt werden. Die Biografien sollen perspektivisch im Rahmen einer möglichen Sonderausstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Dokumentationszentrum Nationalsozialismus Freiburg präsentiert werden. Das Projekt beinhaltet auch eine mögliche Exkursion nach Istanbul, Aufbau eines Online-Lexikons und ein Dokumentarfilm.

Die Veranstaltung wird im Wintersemester 2024/25 beginnen und im Sommersemester 2025 weitergeführt. Sie wird den Studierenden die Möglichkeit geben, ihre Studienprojekte über einen längeren Zeitraum zu planen.
Die Teilnehmer*innen entscheiden gemeinsam mit dem Seminarleiter, an welchem Teil der Aktivitäten sie ihre eigenen Studienprojekte aufbauen möchten. Die Aktivitäten, die im Wintersemester 2024/25 stattfinden werden, sind wie folgt:

  • Erwerb des historischen Hintergrunds und der Inhalte;  Erarbeitung/Erweiterung der schriftlichen Texte zu den Biographien; Erstellen einer Liste der Vertreibung  an der Universität Freiburg; Erstellen einer überarbeiteten Liste der deutsch-jüdischen Wissenschaftler*innen, Expert*innen, Künstler*innen im türkischen Exil; Erwerb von Erfahrungen zur wissenschaftlichen Publikation
  • Erarbeitung der Texte zu den Biographien für die Ausstellung; Archivrecherche für die Fotografien und Materialien für die Ausstellung
  • eine initiale Entwicklung eines Online-Lexikons mit den bestehenden 9 Biographien, das als Modell dienen und zur Entwicklung eines zukünftigen Projekts für ein breiteres Lexikon über Exil-Biographien verwendet werden könnte.
  • während des gesamten Projekts werden die einzelnen Abschnitte und Aktivitäten aufgenommen, um einen Dokumentarfilm über ein Beispiel für ein kreatives und effektives Bildungsprojekt zu produzieren. Die Teilnehmer*innen erhalten einen Crashkurs in Videografie und nehmen an der Aufzeichnung aller Sitzungen teil und führen die Interviews mit Studierenden, Dozent*innen, Autor*innen durch.

Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2024

Scripts of Anti-Racism

Seminar, Thursday 10-12 [KG4 Mediaraum]

The Universal Races Congress, which was held at the University of London in 1911, was the first and the last event of its kind that called attention to inter-racial relations and sought „racial harmony“ with the participation of 2100 members, including official representatives from at least 17 governments, as well as officials of colonial possessions (including present-day India). The Congress left behind a rich historical archive of papers, proceedings, biographies, utopias, worldwide intellectual and sociological relations, debates and institutions that need to be explored and brought to light.
This seminar makes intrinsically the papers and the proceedings of the congress its subject. After a short introduction to the context of the congress, each week papers from the proceedings will be read and discussed together. Simultaneously, the students will choose a paper and do own research on the biography of the presenter and further explore any intellectual connection(s) with other individual(s) or institution(s) from around the globe before, during and after the period of this congress. The findings will be presented both in oral and written forms in the last two weeks of the semester. This seminar, which is designed as an active research and learning process, will encourage students to discover the main themes and concepts in each session themselves. The main aim of the seminar is to revisit this historical source of anti-racism appeared hundred years ago and to discuss its relevance for our sociological imagination today.

Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023

Scripts of Anti-Racism

Seminar, Thursday 10-12 [KG4 ÜR1]

The Universal Races Congress, which was held at the University of London in 1911, was the first and the last event of its kind that called attention to inter-racial relations and sought „racial harmony“ with the participation of 2100 members, including official representatives from at least 17 governments, as well as officials of colonial possessions (including present-day India). The Congress left behind a rich historical archive of papers, proceedings, biographies, utopias, worldwide intellectual and sociological relations, debates and institutions that need to be explored and brought to light.
This seminar makes intrinsically the papers and the proceedings of the congress its subject. After a short introduction to the context of the congress, each week papers from the proceedings will be read and discussed together. Simultaneously, the students will choose a paper and do own research on the biography of the presenter and further explore any intellectual connection(s) with other individual(s) or institution(s) from around the globe before, during and after the period of this congress. The findings will be presented both in oral and written forms in the last two weeks of the semester. This seminar, which is designed as an active research and learning process, will encourage students to discover the main themes and concepts in each session themselves. The main aim of the seminar is to revisit this historical source of anti-racism appeared hundred years ago and to discuss its relevance for our sociological imagination today.


Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2021/22

Globaler und regionaler Wandel

Vorlesung, Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr


Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Wissenschaftler*innen im Exil, Deutschland/Türkei, 1933-2021

Seminar, Donnerstag, 10-12 Uhr


Academic Writing

Seminar, Dienstag, 14-16 Uhr


Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2021

Scripts of Anti-Racism

Seminar, Dienstag/Tuesday 14-16 Uhr


Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2020


Global and regional transformations: Theories, Trends, Interdependencies

Lecture, Tuesday 10-12 Uhr, [R 00 006(Wilhelmstraße 26)], online course

Social transformations reflect interdependent processes that take place in various world regions simultaneously. Due to their focus on national societies, sociologists have hitherto underestimated these interdependencies. This has led scholars to develop new approaches able to analyze global, transnational and transregional entanglements. In its first part, this course will offer a comparative overview of these new perspectives highlighting their analytical promises and deficits. The second part is dedicated to studying global development tendencies in order to illustrate interdependencies between different regions.


Modernity and Eurocentrism

Seminar, Wednesday 10-12 Uhr, [KG IV Mediaraum], online live discussion at 2pm

Since its first appearance in the 19th century, “modernity” has been a key concept in sociological theory. Western sociology has essentially been the sociology of modernity. Since then, considering the key aspects of modern society such as individualization, secularization, industrialization, capitalism, democracy, rationality, development and progress, full employment, etc. or the watersheds of its historical periodization such as, enlightenment philosophy, industrial revolution, French revolution etc., we can strongly argue that it is basically the western/European society which was taken as a model for the definition of modern society. In the era of decolonization and the rise of (re-) emerging powers, many scholars from the global South as well as the global North generated fundamental challenges to Eurocentrism and introduced some alternative perspectives. At the time of, as some scholars say, “farewell to modernity” or some others name it, “reworking” or “reinventing modernity”, this course introduces various sociological perspectives on modernity and discusses challenges to Eurocentric approaches. In this regard, the sessions will cover various perspectives from the second/reflexive modernity to multiple modernities, from different roads to modernity to transmodernity, from postcolonialism to provincializing Europe. The course aims at an analysis of these different perspectives as well as at combining these discussions with the debate on the universality of social scientific knowledge. It finally aims to reflect on the recent discussions on the rise of a Southern Sociology perspective, which in turn should contribute to the development of a global sociology. The medium of teaching is English. Therefore, a good knowledge of English is required.


Scripts of Anti-Racism

Seminar, Thursday 10-12 [KG4 ÜR1], online live dicussion at 2pm

The Universal Races Congress, which was held at the University of London in 1911, was the first and the last event of its kind that called attention to inter-racial relations and sought „racial harmony“ with the participation of 2100 members, including official representatives from at least 17 governments, as well as officials of colonial possessions (including present-day India). The Congress left behind a rich historical archive of papers, proceedings, biographies, utopias, worldwide intellectual and sociological relations, debates and institutions that need to be explored and brought to light.
This seminar makes intrinsically the papers and the proceedings of the congress its subject. After a short introduction to the context of the congress, each week papers from the proceedings will be read and discussed together. Simultaneously, the students will choose a paper and do own research on the biography of the presenter and further explore any intellectual connection(s) with other individual(s) or institution(s) from around the globe before, during and after the period of this congress. The findings will be presented both in oral and written forms in the last two weeks of the semester. This seminar, which is designed as an active research and learning process, will encourage students to discover the main themes and concepts in each session themselves. The main aim of the seminar is to revisit this historical source of anti-racism appeared hundred years ago and to discuss its relevance for our sociological imagination today.