Monographien/ Monographs
- (2018). Güney Sosyolojisi ve Türkiye’de Sosyoloji. İstanbul: Notabene (Southern Sociology and Sociology in Turkey).
- (2010). Street Traders: A Bridge between Trade Unions and Social Movements in Contemporary South Africa. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Herausgeber*innenschaften/ Edited Volumes
- Özuğurlu, A., Büke, A., Çelik, E. , Özuğurlu, M. (2017). Akademide Yolculuk. Mehmet C. Ecevit’e Armağan. İstanbul: Notabene. (The Journey through the Academia. Honouring Mehmet C. Ecevit).
- Çelik, E. (2015) (ed.). Barışma Etiği. İstanbul: Destek Yayınları. (Extended Turkish edition of Sitas, Ari (2008). The Ethic of Reconciliation. Durban: Madiba Press).
- Keim, W., Çelik, E., Ersche, C., Wöhrer, V. (Eds.) (2014). Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: Made in Circulation. Farnham: Ashgate/Routledge. (Preface by Michael Burawoy).
- Ersche, C., Çelik, E., Keim, W., Wöhrer, V. (2013). Circulating Knowledge: Empirical Examples from the Social Sciences. Special Issue, 4 (2), Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies.
Artikel in Sammelbänden/ Chapters in Edited Volumes
- (2024). "Non-hegemonic Circulation of Knowledge in the Social Sciences: The Case of 'Social Movement Unionism' Concept" in Jessé Souza, Ilka Sommer and Christopher Wimmer (eds.) Für eine menschliche Welt. Zum Werk von Boike Rehbein. Weinheim Basel: Beltz Juventa.pp.169-187.
- (2022)."Critically Engaged Sociology in Turkey and "Sociology across the South" in Andries Bezuidenhout, Sonwabile Mnwana and Karl von Holdt (eds.) Critical Engagement with Public Sociology: A Perspective from the Global South. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- (2017). “Güney Sosyolojisinin Yükselişi ve Türkiye’de Sosyoloji İçin İfade Edebileceği Anlamlar” in Özuğurlu, A., Büke, A., Çelik, E. , Özuğurlu, M. (2017). Akademide Yolculuk. Mehmet C. Ecevit’e Armağan. İstanbul: Notabene. (Southern Sociology and Its Possible Meanings for Turkish Sociology).
- (2017). “Soziale Bewegungen im Post-Apartheid-Südafrika” in D. de la Fontaine, F. Müller, C. Hofmann und B. Leubolt (Hrsg.), Das politische System Südafrikas. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (“Social Movements in Post-Apartheid South Africa” in D. de la Fontaine, F. Müller, C. Hofmann und B. Leubolt (Eds.). The Political System of South Africa. Wiesbaden: Springer VS).
- (2015). “Barışma Etiğine Giriş” in E. Çelik (ed.). Barışma Etiği. Istanbul: Destek Yayınları. (“Introduction to the Ethic of Reconciliation” in The Ethic of Reconciliation Istanbul: Destek Yayınları).
- (2014). “Introduction” in W. Keim, E. Çelik, C. Ersche, V. Wöhrer (Eds.), Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: Made in Circulation. Surrey: Ashgate/Routledge. (Jointly with the editorial team).
- (2014). “Conclusion: Next Steps Towards Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences” in W. Keim, E. Çelik, C. Ersche, V. Wöhrer (Eds.), Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: Made in Circulation. Surrey: Ashgate/Routledge. (Jointly with the editorial team).
- (2013). “The Experience of ‘Global Studies Programme’ for a Social Science on a World Scale” in Gaston Fulquet, Caroline Janz and Asish Kumar (Eds.), Analyzing Globalization in the 21st Century. New Delhi: Palm Leaf Publications.
- (2013). “From Best Practice to Abolitionist Approach: Durban’s Street Trading Policy in the Run-up to the 2010 World Cup” in Brigit Obrist, Veit Arlt and Elisio Macamo (Eds.), Living the City in Africa: Processes of Invention and Intervention. Berlin, Zurich: LIT.
- (2010). “A Handicapped Democracy in Turkey: It can Crawl but not Stand Up” in Anand Kumar and Manish Tiwari (Eds.), Quest for Participatory Democracy: Towards Understanding the Approach of Gandhi and Jayaprakash Narayan. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
- (2007). “Normalising Life in Durban: Bringing People Back to Its Streets” in Rob Pattman and Sultan Khan (Eds.), Undressing Durban. Durban: Madiba Press. (Jointly with Azad Essa).
Zeitschriftenartikel/ Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- (2022). "Global Justice Advocacy, Trade Unions and the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany", New Global Studies, 16 (1): 91-111. (jointly with Simon Norbert Schmid).
- (2017). “The ‘Labour Aristocracy’ in Early Twentieth Century South Africa: An Analysis Beyond Traditional Conceptual and Territorial Boundaries”, Chinese Sociological Dialogue, 2 (1-2): 18-34.
- (2016). “‘Güney Sosyolojisi’nin Yükselişi ve Türkiye'de Sosyoloji İçin İfade Edebileceği Anlamlar”, Mülkiye Dergisi, 40 (4): 113-147. (The Rise of 'Southern Sociology' and Its Possible Implications for Turkish Sociology).
- (2016). “‘Toplumsal Hareket Sendikacılığı’ Kavramının Doğuşu ve Küresel Dolaşımı Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Emek Araştırma Dergisi, Cilt 7, Sayı 10, Aralık 2016/2, s. 1-21. (A Study on the Emergence and Global Circulation of ‘Social Movement Unionism’ Concept).
- (2013). “‘The Academy and the Rest?’ Intellectual Engagements, Circulation of Knowledge and the Labour Movement in South Africa, 1970s-1980s”, Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies, 4 (2): 19-35.
- (2011). “World Class Cities for All: Street traders as agents of union revitalization in contemporary South Africa”, LABOUR, Capital and Society/TRAVAIL, capital et société, 44 (2): 80-105.
- (2011). “Exclusion of Street Traders from the Benefits of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in South Africa”, African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 6 (1): 62-86.
- (2011). “A Commentary on Boike Rehbein’s Approach to Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South and on his Concept ‘Kaleidoscopic Dialectic’”, Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies, 2 (1): 72-80. (Jointly with V. Wöhrer, C. Ersche, F. Scholz, J. G. Jimenez, J. Altrogge, M. Vogelmann).
- (2006). “Informalisation of Women’s Labour and New Types of Labour Organisations: The Cases of SEWA and SEWU”, Alternation, Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, 13 (2): 70-99.
- (2004). “Güney Afrika’da Ekonomi Politikaları ve Sendikalar: Çelişkiler ve Oydaşımlar”, Mülkiye Dergisi, XXVIII (243): 209-214. (Economy Policies and Trade Unions in South Africa: Contradictions and Consensus).
Buchrezensionen/ Book Reviews
- (2013). “Review of “Akira Suzuki (Ed.), Cross-National Comparisons of Social Movement Unionism: Diversities of Labour Movement Revitalization in Japan, Korea and the United States. Oxford, Bern, Berlin… Peter Lang, 2012, 345 pp.”, Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies, 4 (1): 40-41.
- (2009). Review of “Max Koch, Roads to Post-Fordism: Labour Markets and Social Structures in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, 210 pp.”, International Sociology, 24 (2): 235-238.
Konferenzbände/ Conference Proceedings
- (2014). “Northern Theory, South African Engagement: Two examples from labour studies” in ECAS 2013, 5th European Conference on African Studies “African Dynamics in Multipolar World”. Lisboa: CEI. 978-989-732-364-5, pp. 608-635.
Forschungsberichte/ Research Reports
- (2001). TRT Televizyon Yayınları Kamuoyu Araştırması, Mayıs 2001. Ankara: TRT. (TRT Television Public Opinion Research May 2001). (Jointly with Yusuf Ziya Özcan and Gamze Yıkılmaz).
Weitere Publikationen/ Other Publications
- (2023)."What is True Academic Solidarity", Open Global Rights:
- (2015). “Forging a Program for Social Science on a World Scale”, Global Dialogue, International Sociological Association, 5 (3): 37-38.
- (2015). “Mining, Labour and the Future We Want”, Futures Forum of the International Sociological Association,
- (2013). “Barışma Etiği, Mandela Anı ve Türkiye”, (The Ethic of Reconciliation, Mandela Moment and Turkey),
- (2013). “Barışma Etiği” (The Ethic of Reconciliation),
- (2013). “Kämpferisch gegen Hegemonie: Gewerkschaftswissen zwischen Nord und Süd”, iz3w, Zeitschrift zwischen Nord und Süd, 335:32-33. (Combative against Hegemony: Trade Union Knowledge between the North and South).
- (2010). “Abseits oder mittendrin? Die südafrikanische Gewerkschaften suchen nach neuen Positionen” in: iz3w, Zeitschrift zwischen Nord und Süd, 316: XI-XII. (Offside or In the Middle? South African Trade Unions Searching for New Positions).
- (2009). “The Reverberating Success of the International Labour Film and Video Festival in Turkey”, ISA-Research Committee on Labour Movements (RC44) Newsletter, 3 (7): 8-9.
- (2008). “Community of Scholarship: Reflections from the RC44 Meetings at the 1st ISA Forum of Sociology”, ISA-Research Committee on Labour Movements (RC44) Newsletter, 3 (5): 3-4.
- (2008). “Marginalised Labour: Route to Social Movement Unionism?”
South African Labour Bulletin, 31 (5): 26-27.
- (2006). “Studienreise nach Rom: Die Arbeit internationaler Organisationen an den Milleniumszielen”, Forum, Zeitschrift der StipendiatInnen der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2/2006: 52-53. (Study abroad trip to Rome: The Work of International Organizations on the development of the Millennium Goals) (Jointly with Fang Han).
- (2004-2007). 23 Journalistic Articles on the socio-political issues in Turkey, Germany and in the World at Independent Communication Network, funded by EU and Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
In Arbeit/ Work in Progress
- (Monography): Social Movement Unionism. The Global Circulation of a Concept in the Social Sciences.