Buch: Breaking Rules: The Social and Situational Dynamics of Young People's Urban Crime
Per-Olof H. Wikström, Dietrich Oberwittler, Kyle Treiber & Beth Hardie - "Breaking Rules" presents the findings of a major longitudinal study (PADS+), involving a cohort of 700 young people from the age of 12 and introduces Situational Action Theory, an innovative theory and methodology in the study of the role of the social environment in crime causation.
Why do certain people commit acts of crime? Why does crime happen in certain places? Presenting an ambitious new study designed to test a pioneering new theory of the causes of crime, Breaking Rules: The Social and Situational Dynamics of Young People's Urban Crime demonstrates that these questions can only go so far in explaining why crime happens - and, therefore, in preventing it.
Oxford University Press
Juni 2012, 512 Seiten, Hardcover, £60.00
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